Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Worthy Online Quiz

There are millions of online quizzes out there that would like to tell you something about yourself or your future by answering multiple choice questions.
I stumbled upon this quiz that can guess/figure out what TYPE you are: meaning, the font. Which font suits you best. "What type are you?"
Ironically, in my other design class, that is our exact project right now. I completed the quiz, and I am "Pistilli Roman." I like the font, but I think the one I chose is more me; Blackmoor.
The website is flawless, created with intelligence, and sleek design.
It is definitely worth a peek.

A cure for traffic

L.A. L.A. L.A. !!!

Everyone knows all the wonderful, exciting things Los Angeles has to offer. And usually, they know about the horrendous, non-stop traffic.
Well, one artist has taken this into consideration and wants to try to help ease the pain while suffering in bumper-to-bumper delays.
Coolhunting has posted this article about Gonzalo Lebrija and his short films that are being projected on giant videotrons. They run every six minutes on Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood.

In my opinion, this is really brilliant. It will help pass the time instead of listening to the terrible radio, and it can help spread the art, the artist, and a message. Although, it could be a distraction and worsen traffic because people will want to sit and watch, if it is that good...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


jpeg, gif, png -smaller file size. lower quality. compresses info. not ideal for printing. good for web. screen based.

tiff, pic, eps - best for printing images. higher quality.

resolution - dots per inch. clarity.
screen resolution = 72. for printer = 300.

interrogative. socratic. = ways of speaking

received wisdom = way of just giving your opinion, rather than real knowledge/facts/info on a product in a presentation. something you don't do!

-Frank Lloyd Wright

raster based = photoshop
vector based = illustrator

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

YSL notes


Museum everyone would go to

Core77 posted this article about a museum in the making. It is the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City. Fernando Romero is the genius architect behind very unique designs. While this museum's design is very cool, his other creations are better.

These pictures are sure to blow you away. They are similar to the pictures linked to the future Dubai. Check out his flickr.

It is surely a museum for more than just history buffs and nerds; people will visit just for the amazing design.


Google, one (if not the) most popular web site wants to get more in with the crowd, more social. What better way than to make a blog! Like this!
And that is exactly what they are doing. Check it out!

They are on blogger, just like this, and my opinion on their joining is confused. Their opening page is interesting. They will basically blog about new things they decide to do as a leading website, new features, videos, etc.

It's like their own personal newspaper, reporting on just them. I guess that makes sense...


Now this is.....serious. Core77 posted about this 'workstation' with one of the coolest designs I've ever seen. It goes by the name "Emperor 200" and it's up for grabs! It resembles a scorpion and it is sleek and has surround sound... it is also $40,000. This is for the serious gamer, worker, loner, whatever. If you have to dough, it is also a piece of art for your house! Definitely something to impress... anyone really.

Still in the Lead

Aaaaaaand they're back! With many rumors floating around the internet for quite some time about Apple's latest invention, it has finally made its debut. It is called iPad. It is just like the iPhone, except bigger; so in between a smartphone and a computer. Engadget has posted the full revealing of this brand new product, packed with zillions of pictures and all the information.

I predict this is the new wave of laptops.