Thursday, April 8, 2010

Phone Speakers

New gadget posted by the NYTimes are the new speakers for your smartphone. LiveSpeakr makes them for the iPhone, but now they expanded and are selling them to the Google Nexus One, the Driod, and Palm Pre.
It connects with a 3.5 mm jack, that won't show up in ads.
"Livespeakr has its own lithium-ion battery and the company says it will last 16 hours on a charge. The battery recharges through a mini-U.S.B. plug, but it must be connected to a wall socket to charge the battery; it can’t charge through a computer U.S.B. slot."
It even rotates!
The sound, according to reviews, is supposed to be very nice and clear.
These bad boys will cost you $80 and can be found online anywhere from Amazon to Urban Outfitters.

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